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Why I Don’t Say We’re American Anymore

My family is not American. Don’t get me wrong — I’m not saying that we’re Czech either. What I say when people ask is that we’re from the States. 

This mindset started earlier this year when a woman on the tram heard me talking to my daughter in English. She asked me where I was from and when I responded “from America,” her response was “me too! I’m from El Salvador.”

I was too stunned to speak. In that moment I realized how wrong I was to claim America for the United States. North America, Central America, and South America. That’s 39 countries that are technically American! 

If you live in the states, you might want to fight me to say you’re “American.” You would be right. I’m just saying it’s not only yours to claim.

Moving abroad has shown me how big, yet how small the world actually is. Adam and I interact with people from every continent almost every week. We are in the world making an impact.

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